Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Hair-Raising Experience

Hair transplant procedures have come a long way since the early 1950's. The “corn row” or “doll’s” hair look that was associated with hair transplantation has evolved into today's follicular unit procedure which, when done right, is undetectable even by a barber or hair stylist.

At the Bangkok Hair Restoration Clinic, hair transplantation is an out-patient procedure performed under twilight local anesthesia. The procedure usually lasts from four to eight hours depending on the number of grafts being transplanted and patients are discharged 15 minutes after the surgery is completed.

Modern techniques of surgical hair transplantation can restore lost hair and replace or re-shape your hairline with your own natural, growing hair, which needs no more care than the ordinary washing, styling and trimming you have always given it.

Hair transplantation is both an art and a science and involves removing permanent hair-bearing skin form the back and/or sides of the scalp (the donor area). Then, using magnification, the tissue is dissected into follicular unit grafts, each containing 1-4 hairs. These small grafts are then meticulously planted into the bald or thinning areas of the scalp (the recipient area) so as not to injure any existing follicles and at precisely the same angle as the natural hair. These very small follicular unit grafts enable the hair surgeon to create very natural, feathered hairlines, which do not have the abrupt, “pluggy look” that was commonly seen in the hair transplants of yesteryear.

While moderately effective medical treatments are offered in the form of pills and lotions, colored creams, sprays and powders that when applied to the scalp help to camouflage areas of thinning hair, and of course hairpieces and weaves, hair transplantation is the only type of hair restoration that will produce a natural appearance with the actual re-growth of real hair. A “fringe” benefit is the return of self esteem and confidence.

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